Mar 20, 2015 | General, Hints and tips, Studio
I’ve just replaced my main music computer. My ageing iMac was becoming unable to cope with what I ask of it (running Cubase and some video editing being my main concerns) without showing what a friend of mine has called “the rainbow wheel of perpetual...
Jul 21, 2014 | Bands, Hints and tips, Recording, Studio, The Missing Persians
After about a year of rehearsing and gigging, The Missing Persians decided to record their first album. It was released (or as our singer/songwriter Chris likes to say “escaped”) on Saturday 19th July 2014 at our Thamesfest performance – you can also...
Dec 13, 2013 | Bands, Hints and tips, Public Gigs, The Missing Persians
One of the joys of working with The Missing Persians is that I get to do a lot more singing in the band than others where I just concentrate on playing the bass guitar. I’ve always been willing to step up to the mic for a bit of backing vocals (I tend to default...