Space Elevator recording

We’ve been and gone and done another album! Space Elevator II has been finished, and we’re in the process of getting the physical copies made… very exciting! It’ll be available on CD, vinyl and as digital download via the ol’ iTunes,...

Porter and Davies KT Platform

I’ve bought a new toy. It took me about 2 years to get round to it, but once I’d tried it out I knew it was the right thing to do! It’s not a Star Trek teleporter, nor is it a one-man bass riser, it’s a very cool monitoring system that, when...

We Are Puppets

This is really new (we’ve only had the name “We Are Puppets” for a couple of weeks) while also being quite old. It takes over where Beelzebozo left off, seeing as it’s three of the ‘Bozos recording a similar noise but utilizing more...