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Mid scream at Sound City '99

Anyone remember the words to this bit?

looking mean and moody at Shonk studio March 2002

Tell me about yourself..


*Date Today: 3rd February.

* Starting Time: 20.00 (that's eight o'clock to you).

* Birth Date: 20 June

* Name: Michael Gilpin.

* Nickname: Mr Mike, Beppe.

* Age: That information is classified.

* School: Wallingford.

* Location: Wallingford, Oxfordshire.

* Colour of eyes: Brown.

* Hair: Cosmic Blue/Black.

* Height : 5ft 10.

* Shoe Size: 9.

* Brothers/Sisters: 4 sisters.

* When's your bedtime: About 3am normally.

-----HAVE YOU EVER-----

*Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes.

* Been in a car accident: Twice.

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.

* Had an imaginary friend: No.

* Wanted to hook up with a friend: A female friend? Yes.

* Had a crush on a teacher: No, too busy chasing 6th form girls.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot? No, not really.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No.

* Cut your hair: Yes.

* Been sarcastic: A few times.


* Shampoo: Head and Shoulders.

* Summer/Winter: Like both.

* Lace or satin: Neither.

*Cartoon Characters: Danger Mouse, Penfold, Tom and Jerry and Foghorn Leghorn.

* Fave Advert: The John West Salmon Ad in which a Bear has just caught a Salmon, when a fisherman rushes out from some bushes and starts fighting with the bear. The fisherman kicks the bear in the crutch, grabs the fish and legs it!

* Fave film: Jaws/The Matrix/An American werewolf in London/Star Wars/Tremors/Close Encounters/Monty Python's Life of Brian/Pitchblack.

* Fave Ice Cream: 99 With two flakes.

* Fave Subject: PE, football and Javelin.

* Fave Drink: Vodka.

-----RIGHT NOW-----

* Wearing: Jeans and T-Shirt.

* Eating: Just ordered a Pizza, should be here any minute now.

* Drinking: Mug of Tea.

* Thinking about: Eating.

* Listening: To Audioslave.

* Talking to: The Pizza guy.

-----IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----

* Cried: No.

* Worn a skirt: No.

* Done laundry: No.

* Drove a car: Oh Yes!


* Yourself: Yes.

* Friends: Yes.

* Santa Clause: No.

* Tooth Fairy: No.

* Destiny/Fate: No.

* Angels: No.

* Ghosts: No.

* UFO's: Maybe.

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.

* Like anyone: Yes.

* Who's the loudest: All of those in Mook.

* Who's the weirdest: All of those in Mook.

* Who do you go to for advice: Mum, Dad and sisters.

* Who do you think about most when ur not online: Family and Friends.

* Who do you cry with: No-one.

* When you last cried: When I broke a string on my guitar during a monster riff and I didn't have a spare string.

* Who will respond to this email fastest: Those on broadband.

* Who did you send this to who wont respond: N/A

* Who sent this to you: Chas.

* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: Up to them really.

Michael Gilpin
ADI Driving Instructor


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